Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 & 700
Conçue pour les bassistes exigeants, la série Tone Hammer offre une solution à la fois légère et puissante, inspirée par la chaleur des amplificateurs à lampes.

The word “preamp” is short for “preamplifier”, which is an electronic device that not only boosts your bass signal but also gives you the ability to shape your bass tone with EQ. Preamps can come in a variety of forms, so let’s talk about three of the most common.

EBS accueille l'un des bassistes suédois les plus acclamés et un producteur lauréat d'un Grammy !
Ulf joue sur les EBS Classic 500 et Classic Line Cabinets, ce qui lui permet de continuer à captiver le public.

Martin Mendez d'Opeth rejoint EBS Professional Bass Amps !
Martin Mendez, bassiste du légendaire groupe suédois de métal progressif Opeth, a rejoint la famille EBS Artist !

Voici la pédale AG Preamp/DI Breast Cancer Awareness Edition !
Exclusive for October 2024, the Breast Cancer Awareness Edition AG Preamp/DI pedal features the iconic AG circuitry in a stunning rose gold finish. Boasting the tight, fast response and wide tonal flexibility the AG preamp is beloved for, this limited-edition pedal is a collector's dream for a great cause!

Eko Guitars presents the new Tribute series catalogue, with many new models and colours of electric guitars and bass.

Johnny Griparic, artiste EBS, à propos de la tournée SERPENT de SLASH, et plus encore...
This week EBS shares some updates about SLASH’s bass player Johnny Griparic, and welcome Joanna Dudkowska, and Niklas Svensson Nattfare as EBS artists!

The iconic EBS ProLine 410 turns 25 years!
The EBS ProLine 410, introduced in 1999, is the most iconic EBS speaker cabinet ever made. It is famous for its transparent and punchy sound and its distinctive look. It evolved from an earlier model called the “Evolution” series. 2024 marks the 25th year in production of the cabinet, and it is still going strong!

Les nouvelles basses Sterling sont maintenant disponibles !
Les basses Sterling StingRay dévoilées au NAMM 2024 viennent d'arriver en stock ! Ces modèles emblématiques de la marque se déclinent en plusieurs finitions et configurations électroniques, et sont désormais disponibles.

Aguilar : Qu'est-ce que les IRS et pourquoi les bassistes les aiment-ils tant ?
Even though IR’s (impulse responses) have become a common part of today’s musical dialog you might be unaware of what they exactly are and how they can help you better express yourself as a bass player. In this blog, join Dale Titus as he demystifies cabinet IRs and discusses why they are a must-have for the modern bassist.

EBS : La meilleure pédale dont personne ne parle !
EBS Black Haze 2 demo par !

Plongez dans l'alimentation EBS RUNSTEN !
Creating space-saving pedalboard accessories that secure a neat setup and provide a high-quality, noise-free signal path has been the superior goal of EBS accessories since the introduction of the original flat patch cables. The same goals guided them in the creation of the RUNSTEN. Let's dive deeper into the reasoning behind it.

Discover the new Eko VJB ¾ bass!
Have you always wanted to take up the electric bass, but the format of a traditional bass scares you compared to a guitar? The Eko VJB format ¾ is a reduced-format electric bass with timeless jazz lines that meets this need!

EBS Classic 212 Mini-tower, made to rock any stage
In an era where almost anything can be simulated through technology, the irreplaceable thrill of standing on stage with a powerful bass rig at your back is incomparable. That thrill is what you'll get with the new EBS ClassicLine 212 mini-tower. Paired with a perfectly matching EBS Classic 500 head or one of EBS's lightweight Reidmar amps. It shares the attributes and attitude of an 810 but is sized to fit any stage (and vehicle).

EBS Magni 502 - the ultimate bass combo
There are several reasons why some bassists choose a combo amplifier over a rig with a separate amplifier and speakers. The most common, especially when it comes to slightly louder combos, is the convenience compared to hauling around a complete bass rig. An ultimate combo amplifier for stage use should be lightweight, compact, powerful, and not compromise on sound quality. That's why the ultimate bass combo is the EBS Magni 502.

Découvrez les 3 nouveaux produits électrisants d'EBS
Cette année, EBS, le fabricant suédois d'équipements pour bassistes, dévoile ses trois derniers produits. Voici un aperçu passionnant de ces trois produits qui attireront l'attention des amateurs de basses et de pédales d'effets !

Feel the power with the EBS Reidmar amps
An EBS Reidmar bass amp ensures you stay connected with the bottom to feel the power of the (sound) waves, but that's not always the case with lightweight amplifiers.