Available in the hip colours green or orange (both with contrasting black), the CORDIAL BLACKLIGHT EDITION cables are designed for musicians who love the special wow effect in their performance.

CORDIAL ECOHEMP – featuring a PVC free fabric jacket made of hemp
The complete fabric material of ECOHEMP cables consists of a braid of special hemp fibers in a matte mélange green/brown shade. For thousands of years this natural raw material has been used for the production of fabrics. For this purpose CORDIAL uses hemp from certified sustainable cultivation.

ECOCORD : Le câble écologique
Repenser, penser à l'avenir, s'engager sur la voie de la durabilité - afin d'œuvrer ensemble à la préservation de la planète. Aujourd'hui, il est vital de prendre ses responsabilités et assumer ce type d'obligation essentielle est l'une des pierres angulaires de la philosophie de Cordials.

To meet the growing data transmission needs in demanding environments, Cordial introduces a new range of versatile and durable Ethernet cables. Designed for a variety of applications, from audio networks to outdoor connectivity, these cables combine high performance and reliability for professionals across various industries.

Nouveau chez Cordial : la gamme ECOCORD !
For the development of Cordial’s new ECOCORD range, they have completely eliminated PVC, opting instead for an alternative known as TPE-V. This 100% recyclable material offers similar advantages in terms of flexibility and durability.

Cordial Cat Cables
Cordial Cat cables are essential for high-speed data transmission, especially in event technology. This blog explores the differences between Cat 5e, Cat 6A, and Cat 7A cables, focusing on their bandwidth, shielding, and conductor types. By understanding these factors, users can select the ideal cable for their specific needs, ensuring optimal performance in any setup.

Câbles Ethernet cordiaux prêts à l'emploi
Cordial offers a comprehensive product range of Ethernet cables that have been developed to meet the diverse requirements of modern event technology in the field of data transmission.

Coming soon: Cordial instrument cables with NEW (straight) NEUTRIK® silentPLUG®s
Some good news about the straight(!) NEUTRIK® silentPLUG®s: NEUTRIK® has modified the design of the installed plug NP2XX-SILENT.

Cordial knowledge base: Ground Loops
Virtually every musician and event technician has been suffering from this distressful experience - this diffuse amp humming, occurring in the rehearsal room or (even more often and even worse) on stage. You often try to be okay with it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you’ll be particularly happy with it in the long run, especially during the quieter moments of your performance. Then again, you can try to understand the cause and to eliminate the source of error.

New series of FM-FLEX CPM cables and renewal of the speakON plugs in the Cordial range !
Découvrez la nouvelle série Cordial de câbles CPM FM-FLEX et le renouvellement des câbles haut-parleurs Select pour des performances audio optimales. Ces innovations sont conçues pour répondre aux exigences des professionnels de la scène et du studio, en garantissant une qualité et une fiabilité sans faille !

Le grand succès de CORDIAL : la "METAL CABEL".
For some years now, Cordial’s “metal cable” has been one of the highlights of CORDIAL design cables: specific instrument cables often referred to in the scene as "CORDIAL METAL".

Cordial : Câbles résilients pour haut-parleurs line array pour applications extérieures et intérieures
Exposition au vent, à la pluie, à la neige et à la glace, à la chaleur et au froid, au rayonnement solaire élevé, aux vibrations ou même à certains produits chimiques : dans des situations particulièrement difficiles et problématiques, le matériau de la gaine de la plupart des câbles de haut-parleurs conventionnels finit par atteindre ses limites.