Verkrijgbaar in de hippe kleuren groen of oranje (beide met contrasterend zwart), zijn de kabels van de CORDIAL BLACKLIGHT EDITION ontworpen voor muzikanten die houden van het speciale wow-effect in hun optreden.

Ernie Ball patch cables are now available in Flex!
The renowned FLEX cable series from Ernie Ball is now available in patch versions for your pedalboards or short connections!

Cordial Cat kabels
Cordial Cat cables are essential for high-speed data transmission, especially in event technology. This blog explores the differences between Cat 5e, Cat 6A, and Cat 7A cables, focusing on their bandwidth, shielding, and conductor types. By understanding these factors, users can select the ideal cable for their specific needs, ensuring optimal performance in any setup.

New EBS Feature - Customizable Solderless Patch Cable Kits!
Discover the new EBS solderless patch cable kit - Customization and quality at your service!

Cordial ready-made Ethernet cables
Cordial offers a comprehensive product range of Ethernet cables that have been developed to meet the diverse requirements of modern event technology in the field of data transmission.

Coming soon: Cordial instrument cables with NEW (straight) NEUTRIK® silentPLUG®s
Some good news about the straight(!) NEUTRIK® silentPLUG®s: NEUTRIK® has modified the design of the installed plug NP2XX-SILENT.

Cordial knowledge base: Ground Loops
Virtually every musician and event technician has been suffering from this distressful experience - this diffuse amp humming, occurring in the rehearsal room or (even more often and even worse) on stage. You often try to be okay with it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you’ll be particularly happy with it in the long run, especially during the quieter moments of your performance. Then again, you can try to understand the cause and to eliminate the source of error.

Nieuwe serie FM-FLEX CPM kabels en vernieuwing van de speakON stekkers in de Cordial serie!
Ontdek de nieuwe Cordial serie CPM FM-FLEX kabels en de vernieuwing van Select luidsprekerkabels voor optimale audioprestaties. Deze innovaties zijn ontworpen om te voldoen aan de eisen van podium- en studioprofessionals en garanderen een onfeilbare kwaliteit en betrouwbaarheid!

Ernie Ball: Glow in the dark flex cables!
Ernie Ball is introducing two new finishes to its Flex cable range: a black cable and a glow-in-the-dark cable. Available in 3 and 6 metre lengths, these jack/jack cables will make your instruments sound like never before.

New braided cables by Ernie Ball!
Discover the new colors in the braided cables range by Ernie Ball, available in 3 meters and 5.5 meters.

CORDIAL's succesvolle vaste favoriet: de "METAL CABEL".
De "metalen kabel" van Cordial is al enkele jaren een van de hoogtepunten van de designkabels van CORDIAL: specifieke instrumentkabels die in de scene vaak "CORDIAL METAL" worden genoemd.

Cordial: Veerkrachtige luidspreker line array kabels voor buiten- en binnentoepassingen
Blootstelling aan wind, regen, sneeuw en ijs, hitte en kou, hoge zonnestraling, trillingen of zelfs bepaalde chemicaliën: in bijzonder zware en problematische situaties bereikt het mantelmateriaal van de meeste conventionele luidsprekerkabels uiteindelijk zijn grenzen.