Novation Launchpad : 'Pad Culture' documentary series


'pad culture', a Novation Documentary Embraces Launchpad YouTube Community


The New Documentary

Pad Culture // The Story Of The Launchpad Lightshow is a deep dive into the scene, which tells the story of the talented creators who spend their time building, refining and recording their intricate videos. The film breaks from the convention of the overhead camera watching a pair of hands, and draws the viewer into the lives of the artists, and how the scene emerged and developed. This latest project with the Lightshow community — featuring six artists from across the spectrum of Lightshow landscape — is not our first collaboration, and it won’t be our last. The story it tells is one of phenomenal achievement, technical ability and personal triumph. If it weren’t for them, the Launchpad range (and Novation, for that matter) might be totally different today.


The Artists

The film features in-depth interviews with Exige (AUS), Kaskobi (UK), Madeon (FR), M4SONIC (AUS), Nev (US) and R!ot (US). Each artist contributes to guiding the narrative, as they recall their personal milestones and give their perspective on the scene. They discuss the early days of the Lightshow, the inherent limitations of the original Launchpad, and how technical advances allowed them to make ever more complex performances. They also discuss the tensions in the scene — the accusations and implications of people ‘faking it’ by miming to or pre-programming their LED shows — but also the shared goal of progressing the scene onward for the mutual benefit of everyone involved.


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