10 manieren om de kernom MOHO FUZZ te ontketenen!

Kernom MOHO Fuzz

Idea 1

"Travel through the History of Fuzz with your MOOD"

Using the MOOD, immerse yourself in the rich history of fuzz over the years.

Begin by exploring the timeless vintage tones from the psychedelic era, progress through the contemporary and tighter sounds of grunge and garage rock, and finally, be enticed by the futuristic and edgy ring-modulated sounds of tomorrow. ​

Your imagination knows no bounds with this pedal.​​

How it works:

  • Set all knobs to noon​

  • Add a good amount of fuzz (around 3 o’clock) according to your taste and guitar​

  • Slowly turn the MOOD knob from minimum to maximum. ​​

You will travel through the history of fuzz.​

Idea 2

"Geniet van het plezier van een 'kapotte' versterker".

What about going back to the 1960s and discovering the first fuzz sounds ever ? Now it’s possible without needing to invent a time machine or destroy your mixing desk.​

How it works:

  • Set the MOOD to minimum​

  • Adjust the FUZZ and PRE TONE to enjoy some early fuzz sounds.​


“Open the gates of a Velcro Fuzz"

What about having control over the gate threshold on an under-biased velcro fuzz ? With the MOHO, you can vary the way the gate reacts to your playing.

How it works:

  • Set the FUZZ knob to maximum and the MOOD to 8 o’clock. ​

  • Then, gradually turn down the FUZZ knob, and the sound will become increasingly gated.​

  • Turning the PRE TONE to the left will add some low frequencies. ​

  • With the FUZZ set low and the PRE TONE turned to the left, you will achieve a gated sound that affects only the high notes.​

  • Turning the PRE TONE to the right will remove low frequencies. ​

  • With the FUZZ at maximum and the PRE TONE turned to the right, you will get a gated sound that emphasizes the low frequencies.​

Idea 4 ​

"When Octavia meet classic Fuzz Face"

How about mixing a Fuzz Face with a classic Octavia octave-up tone ?

You can achieve a classic Fuzz Face sound with the MOOD and then add some octave-up effect !​

How it works:​

  • First, follow the settings below to achieve a Fuzz Face kind of tone. ​

  • Then, turn the ELECTRICITY knob to the right to add some classic analog octave-up to your sound. ​

  • Don’t hesitate to adjust the FUZZ and POST TONE knobs to fine-tune the sound.​

Idea 5

"Grote Muff met Doom Octave naar beneden"

Adding an octave down can be really fun when combined with a full Big Muff sound.

With the MOHO, you can have both in the same pedal.

How it works:

  • First, follow the settings below to achieve a Big Muff kind of tone. ​

  • Then, turn the ELECTRICITY knob to the left to add some classic analog octave-down to your sound. ​

  • Don’t hesitate to adjust the FUZZ and POST TONE knobs to fine-tune the sound.​


"Doe eens gek met de Ring Modulator".

Having a ring modulator is never strictly «needed,» but once you try one, it can become addictive.

With the MOHO, you can achieve some classic ring modulator-like overtones with certain MOOD settings, but you also have the option for a fully controllable ring mod within the pedal.​

How it works:

  • Turn the MOOD to maximum, and you’ll dive into the wild world of a full ring modulator ! In this mode, the ELECTRICITY knob controls the frequency of the ring mod, with the lowest frequency at minimum and the highest at maximum. ​

  • When you find the right frequency for tasty harmonics, try turning the MOOD back a little to blend some direct fuzz tone with the ring mod effect.​

You can then control the ring mod frequency with an expression pedal :

1. Set the ELECTRICITY knob to max and save this as an internal preset by pressing the «Preset» footswitch for 2 seconds (wait for the quick blinking of the Preset LED).​

2. Next, turn the ELECTRICITY knob back to minimum without changing any of the other settings.​

3. Connect an expression pedal. With the expression pedal at min, the ring mod frequency will be at its lowest. As you push the expression pedal further, the frequency will increase.​

Have fun experimenting with this setup !​


"MIDI is not dirty"

The MOHO is one of the very few fuzz pedals with MIDI capabilities.

You can save up to 128 presets via MIDI and control any of the MOHO’s knobs with MIDI CC controls. You can even automate your fuzz sound from your favorite DAW or control the FUZZ knob by adjusting the Filter Frequency knob on your synth.​


To store the actual settings, make a long press (2s) on the preset footswitch > the LED will fastly blink to confirm, the settings are stored.​

To recall, just press on the preset footswitch. ​


Connect any MIDI devices that can send Program Change (PC) messages (switcher, computer, …) ​

To store your setting on one of the MIDI preset make a long press on the ON/OFF footswitch > LED will blink blue, waiting for a program change message.​

From your midi device, send a Program Change (PC) message with the number you want to use for this sound setting.​

LED will blink fast to confirm. ​

To recall this setting, just send the same program change message, it will instantly recall this preset. ​


"Fuzz je refrein, je drive of iets anders!"

Have you ever imagined what a chorus might sound like placed BEFORE a fuzz ? Probably not, because it’s generally known that classic fuzzes need to be at the beginning of any pedalboard to avoid harsh, high-frequency nightmare sounds.

Maar met de MOHO is dat verleden tijd. Dankzij de specifieke Kernom input stage blijft het geluid van de fuzz stage consistent, alsof je gitaar er direct op is aangesloten, ongeacht de positie op je pedalboard. Nu kun je experimenteren met nieuwe klankcombinaties en ontdekken dat het plaatsen van een chorus voor een fuzz echt gekke en geweldige geluiden kan creëren.


  • Phaser or Univibe before the fuzz in MOOD 2 mode.​

  • Clean boost or EQ before the fuzz in velcro mode to change responsiveness.​

  • Chorus before the fuzz in Big Muff mode.​


"MOHO + RIDGE = start a crazy Sound Exploration!"

The MOHO can be the perfect companion to the RIDGE overdrive. ​

Placing the MOHO before the RIDGE allows you to tweak the output sound of your fuzz by adding some low-gain smooth overdrive.​

How it works:

  • With the following settings, the MOHO is a Big Muff style fuzz. ​

  • The RIDGE is a pushed clean boost with adjusted EQ. ​

The result is a solid, driven tone, perfect for creating heavy rock riffs.​

Idea 10

"Ditch the freezer, keep your fuzz hot on stage"

Classic fuzzes can produce incredible sounds—but only if the temperature is just right. They can become problematic, especially during live concerts, if the temperature is too high. Some musicians even carry real freezers to keep their fuzz at the ideal temperature ! ​

Met de MOHO zijn die dagen voorbij. Dankzij het Kernom fuzzcircuit kun je consistente geluidsprestaties bereiken bij (bijna!) elke temperatuur.

No more worries about stage conditions affecting your favorite fuzz.​

To try:

  • Take your favorite fuzz pedal, apply warm hair dryer heat for 3 minutes > listen to the result.​

  • Do the same with the MOHO.​

Opmerking van het Kernom-team: "Ja, we hebben de test gedaan om er zeker van te zijn dat het onder alle omstandigheden werkt!"


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