Beperkt gratis: iZotope Ozone 11 Elements!

Novation is verheugd te kunnen aankondigen dat ze opnieuw de handen ineen hebben geslagen met Native Instruments om je iZotope Ozone 11 Elements gratis te geven vanaf nu tot 6 januari 2025. Het aanbod geldt voor alle geregistreerde hardwarebezitters, nieuw en oud, dus het is nog niet te laat om in te ruilen.

You’ve finished writing, recording, and mixing your music — now is the perfect time to get mastering. Give your music the final polish and touches it deserves and create a professional master with Ozone 11 Elements.

If you’ve previously claimed Novation’s free Ozone 9 Elements offer a few years ago, this latest version delivers numerous new features and enhancements that make it a must-have upgrade.

Key updates include:

  • Easily customise the processing suggestions to your liking with the updated Assistant View

  • Achieve the sound of chart-topping hits or your favourite reference file using groundbreaking matching technology for tone, width, and balance with the updated Master Assistant

  • Integrates with Audiolens to populate your favourite reference tracks

  • Work faster with native Apple silicon support

Whether you're putting the finishing touches on your album or producing your first song, Ozone 11 Elements delivers cutting-edge processing and AI-powered workflows. Effortlessly make your tracks release-ready and unlock the full potential of your productions.

Get your code for a free Ozone 11 Elements plugin from your Novation account from now until 6th January 2025.

You must have a registered piece of hardware for the offer to show in your account.


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