Nieuwe FAST Limiter-plugin en FAST-bundel van Focusrite - moeiteloos release-klaar zijn

FAST Limiter’s powerful AI gives you release-ready tracks

The Collective van Focusrite heeft al duizenden muziekmakers geïnspireerd met FAST Verb, FAST Equaliser, FAST Compressor, FAST Reveal en FAST Balancer - de essentiële tools om moeiteloos professioneel klinkende tracks te maken. Nu brengt Focusrite je FAST Limiter; de moeiteloze manier om tracks release-klaar te maken.

With an easy-to-use interface and instant high-quality results, customers will finish tracks easily and create more music. This keeps customers engaged with their hardware purchases and completes the cycle of using their purchases to make music, effortlessly recording and mixing tracks, and finishing the whole journey with no technical hassle blocking them — all whilst enjoying the experience.

Om de introductie van FAST Limiter te vieren, biedt The Collective een exclusieve lanceringskorting van meer dan 60% op de FAST Bundle, die de nieuwste versie bevat. Alle bij Focusrite en Novation geregistreerde hardwareklanten - nieuw en oud - kunnen profiteren van de exclusieve korting die wordt ingewisseld via hun Focusrite-klantenaccount, wat nog meer waarde toevoegt voor hardwarebezitters.

FAST Limiter

Perfect your tracks and create release-ready music with FAST Limiter — the powerful AI plugin that keeps you creating. Use AI to get a solid foundation, then dive deeper to take your mix even further by adjusting Gain, Saturation, and Resonance.

  • FAST View keeps you in the creative flow and quickly adjust Bass, Resonances, Saturation, and Transients settings to get the most out of your mastering.

  • Detailed view presents you with the full controls for FAST Limiter. Use the powerful AI to get a solid foundation and move on to use settings like Gain, Limit, and Speed to adjust the limiter and volume output.

  • Recreate the sonic characteristics of your favourite tracks with Reference Mastering and adjust the parameters in Detailed view to achieve your desired sound.

  • Choose between three unique Flavours — Modern, Neutral, or Aggressive — to instantly change how FAST Limiter influences your track’s sound.

  • With FAST Limiter’s unique and intuitive visualiser you will see how the plugin shapes your sound with it responding to changes in real time. Make quick, well-informed decisions, and create professional results that are ready to be heard by the world.

FAST Bundle 

The FAST range has been designed to keep musicians in the creative flow, so they can focus on making music. The powerful AI will adapt the settings to their voice and instruments so that they can achieve great sounding results, instantly. The FAST Bundle includes: FAST Compressor, FAST Equaliser, FAST Reveal, FAST Verb, and notably, FAST Limiter.

Meer dan 60% korting voor Focusrite en Novation klanten voor een beperkte tijd 

Om de introductie van FAST Limiter te vieren, geeft The Collective een enorme korting op de FAST Bundle, die de nieuwste toevoeging aan het assortiment bevat. Alle geregistreerde Focusrite- en Novation-hardwareklanten kunnen profiteren van de exclusieve korting die ze via hun Focusrite-klantenaccount kunnen inwisselen.

Buiten de exclusieve lanceringskortingsdata kunnen geregistreerde hardwareklanten van Focusrite en Novation 30% korting krijgen op de FAST Bundle, die verkrijgbaar is in 15 maandelijkse betalingen of een eenmalige betaling.


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