Takamine celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2022

Takamine wijdt zich al 60 jaar met trots aan de kunst van het gitaarvakmanschap. De jarenlange toewijding aan innovatie en voortdurende verbetering heeft Takamine tot een van 's werelds meest vooraanstaande akoestische gitaarbouwers gemaakt, met werkelijk prachtige instrumenten die de eerste keuze zijn van gitaristen over de hele wereld.

1959 - 1962

With humble beginnings in 1959 as a small family-run guitar shop nestled at the foot of Mount Takamine in the central Japanese town of Sakashita. The company took the mountain’s name in 1962 and began the journey that led to the phenomenal success that is the modern Takamine company today.

1968 - 1975

The company grows to 60 employees and becomes a leading builder of classical guitars and mandolins. Mass Hirade, a talented luthier who was well known at the time, arrives at Takamine and introduces many effective designs and manufacturing improvements. The company later adds Hirade’s name to many of its classical guitar models in honor of his contributions.

In 1975, Hirade becomes Takamine’s president and launches efforts to bring the instruments to a much wider audience. Takamine guitars soon become available worldwide. In the following years, Takamine gained worldwide notoriety for the craftsmanship and excellence in acoustic guitar design.

A change in sound…

As concert halls grew in size, so did the sounds and the gear of musicians. Artists and technicians found it difficult to recreate the sound of their acoustic guitars as they played through microphones on large speakers.

To solve this problem, Takamine made a breakthrough in technology when they developed the under-saddle Palathetic pickup in the ‘70s. This pickup brought a decent amplified sound with an impressive resistance to feedback. It also meant that Takamine made an appearance on a lot of stages around the world.

1978 - today

The Takamine guitars were soon used by prominent artists such as Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, The Eagles used it in their classic “Hotel California”, Rick Astley, Bruno Mars, and many more…

Takamine is uitgegroeid tot een van de meest grensverleggende en unieke gitaarfabrikanten ter wereld. Het zal interessant zijn om te zien welke innovaties Takamine nog meer in de gitaarwereld zal brengen.


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