Dealer in de spotlight: Dirk Witte
Onze dealer in de spotlight vandaag is Barry Witte van Dirk Witte Musical Instruments. Deze muziekwinkel is een familiebedrijf dat werd opgericht in 1939. De winkel verhuisde van Amsterdam naar Utrecht en je kunt hem nu vinden aan de Amsterdamsestraatweg 340-342, vlakbij de watertoren, in Utrecht. Ze verkopen merken als Lâg Guitars, Marshall, Takamine, Rickenbacker, MXR, Ernie Ball, Elixir Strings en nog veel meer...
Baryy sells new, used and vintage musical instruments and gear. In an interview with the Utrechtse “De Nuk” paper, Barry tells the following about the new (old) store in Utrecht: “"I'm at work a lot, so it's convenient to have a nice workspace. Now we have a nice sitting area where you can discuss with customers exactly what they are looking for. In Amsterdam I never wanted that. There were too many tourists in the store. They would come there to rest."
A shot of the large Dirk Witte store in Utrecht.
"Ik ben blij dat ik weer in de winkel sta. Op een gegeven moment waren er drie winkels, toen reed ik alleen maar met gitaren rond. Want als je drie dezelfde op je website hebt staan, willen mensen ze ook allemaal in dezelfde winkel proberen."
According to Barry, it's all about connecting with customers. "Helping people is the most fun to do. It's nice to see people leave the store with a smile. When people come to buy their first guitar, you're actually giving them a new hobby."
The availability in Utrecht is a lot better. The store got a lot harder to reach with the car in Amsterdam because of the city’s rules. Now in Utrecht, we are located next to a busy road with a lot of cars and bikers.
'“It’s nice to see a lot of bikers with guitars on their back”
Find them at the Amsterdamsestraatweg 340-342, 3551 CV Utrecht or take a look at their website here.