Laboratoire de cordes Dunlop : Série Signature !
Bass, Guitare / Amplis / Micros, Cordes Algam Benelux Bass, Guitare / Amplis / Micros, Cordes Algam Benelux

Laboratoire de cordes Dunlop : Série Signature !

No one knows gear like the musicians who grind it out night after night on the road and in the studio. These signature string sets are the result of some of Dunlops favorite artists bringing their unique experience and highly attuned insights to the Dunlop String Lab so that players around the world can have a better playing experience.

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EBS Classic 212 Mini-tower, made to rock any stage
Basse Algam Benelux Basse Algam Benelux

EBS Classic 212 Mini-tower, made to rock any stage

In an era where almost anything can be simulated through technology, the irreplaceable thrill of standing on stage with a powerful bass rig at your back is incomparable. That thrill is what you'll get with the new EBS ClassicLine 212 mini-tower. Paired with a perfectly matching EBS Classic 500 head or one of EBS's lightweight Reidmar amps. It shares the attributes and attitude of an 810 but is sized to fit any stage (and vehicle).

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Audio Algam Benelux Audio Algam Benelux


HK Audio CONCERT SOUND stands for the best sound quality, high performance and unlimited road capability. All components can be combined with each other in almost any way thanks to optimally coordinated DSP presets.

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Guitar / Amps / Pickups, Tips & Tricks, Picks Algam Benelux Guitar / Amps / Pickups, Tips & Tricks, Picks Algam Benelux


Finding the right pick is the most impactful thing you can do for your playing experience for the least amount of investment. Your pick affects the way you sound and your technique—how you play. But how do you know which one is right for you? Dunlop had put this mini guide together to help you pick the one that unlocks the full potential of your playing style.

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New! String Theory featuring Collective Soul!
Tips & Tricks, Guitar / Amps / Pickups, Strings Algam Benelux Tips & Tricks, Guitar / Amps / Pickups, Strings Algam Benelux

New! String Theory featuring Collective Soul!

"There's no logic to what I do. I'm not technical. I'm a feel-writer. When I feel like it's going to happen, it happens. But it's a part of the extension of me." In the latest episode of Ernie Ball String Theory, they talk with Ed Roland and Will Turpin of Collective Soul about their songwriting process and early musical inspirations.

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EBS Magni 502 - the ultimate bass combo
Basse Algam Benelux Basse Algam Benelux

EBS Magni 502 - the ultimate bass combo

There are several reasons why some bassists choose a combo amplifier over a rig with a separate amplifier and speakers. The most common, especially when it comes to slightly louder combos, is the convenience compared to hauling around a complete bass rig. An ultimate combo amplifier for stage use should be lightweight, compact, powerful, and not compromise on sound quality. That's why the ultimate bass combo is the EBS Magni 502.

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Cordial : Câbles résilients pour haut-parleurs line array pour applications extérieures et intérieures
Audio, Cables Algam Benelux Audio, Cables Algam Benelux

Cordial : Câbles résilients pour haut-parleurs line array pour applications extérieures et intérieures

Exposition au vent, à la pluie, à la neige et à la glace, à la chaleur et au froid, au rayonnement solaire élevé, aux vibrations ou même à certains produits chimiques : dans des situations particulièrement difficiles et problématiques, le matériau de la gaine de la plupart des câbles de haut-parleurs conventionnels finit par atteindre ses limites.

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