Dunlop : deux nouveaux Variety Packs de médiators de guitare !

Dunlop présente deux nouveaux Variety Packs, conçus pour vous permettre d'essayer différentes épaisseurs de médiators et de trouver celui qui convient parfaitement à votre style de jeu. Ces packs présentent les gammes emblématiques Tortex et Nylon, offrant aux guitaristes la possibilité d'explorer et de personnaliser leur expérience de jeu.

Opt for the Tortex Variety Pack, featuring the brand's iconic guitar picks.

Tortex picks are the most widely used in the world, favored by countless legendary artists across all styles. Made from a durable and resilient material, Tortex picks provide a precise attack and excellent grip while maintaining optimal flexibility. This Tortex Variety Pack allows you to try all six available thicknesses, so you can compare and find the one that suits you best.

Included in the Variety Pack: 2 picks of each thickness—.50mm, .60mm, .73mm, .88mm, 1.0mm, and 1.14mm.

The Nylon Variety Pack for Versatile Playing

Since their invention in 1960, Dunlop Nylon picks have become an essential standard for all electric and acoustic guitarists, offering unmatched warmth and flexibility across six different thicknesses. This Nylon Standard Variety Pack allows you to try out these six thicknesses to find the ones that suit you best.

Included in the Variety Pack: 2 picks of each thickness—.38 mm, .46 mm, .60 mm, .73 mm, .88 mm, and 1.0 mm.


Jeu d'aiguilles standard en nylon Dunlop


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