En quelques années seulement, Randy Rhoads a révolutionné l'art du guitariste de rock 'n' roll, en fusionnant des passages et des mélodies fluides, d'inspiration classique, avec des leads brûlants, semblables à des violons, et des riffs sursaturés. L'un des composants les plus importants de ce son fascinant était le MXR Distortion+-Randy a exploité son énergie brute pour bombarder son amplificateur à gain élevé d'un torrent d'harmoniques et créer la signature sonore qui allait marquer de façon indélébile l'histoire de la musique.

MXR celebrates his monumental legacy with this recreation of his own MXR Distortion+. For the first time in 42 years, the Rhoads family unveiled Randy’s pedalboard for the MXR design team at the family’s music school in Los Angeles—the Musonia School of Music. There, history was made as the MXR design team carefully opened the pedalboard, closely inspecting and documenting all they could from this rock ’n’ roll artifact. The engineers painstakingly spec'd Randy’s vintage Distortion+, with the direct involvement of sister Kathy Rhoads, and created this signature model to produce the same overdriven tube-like tones heard on Randy’s most beloved hits. And, of course, it’s only fitting that it comes with a custom finish inspired by Randy’s legendary Flying V guitar.

“We are very proud of and honored by this special signature pedal. It is a true tribute to Randy’s musical legacy.” —The Rhoads Family

  • Limited edition

  • A tribute to the monumental legacy of Randy Rhoads

  • Recreates the overdriven tube-like tones heard on his most beloved hits

  • Painstakingly spec'd from Randy's own MXR Distortion+

  • Designed with the direct involvement of sister Kathy Rhoads

  • Custom finish inspired by Randy's famous Flying V guitar

  • Includes exclusive booklet and certificate of authenticity


NORD LIVE : Gene Tolbert & Family


Interview de Guy Pratt, bassiste du groupe Saucerful Of Secrets de Nick Mason !