Get'm Get'm - Artist Testimonials

See what people are saying about Get’m Get’m and their products!

Casandra Carson, Paralandra

The thing I love about Get'm Get'm Straps is they stand out! Their styles are super unique, comfortable, and most importantly, they make me feel like me when I'm on stage.

Xtine Reckless

Get’m Get’m, hands down, makes the best guitar straps. Made from durable, comfortable, quality materials, Get’m Get’m makes the coolest looking guitar straps you will ever find in every color, texture and print you could ever want. I highly recommend Get’m Get’m guitar straps -- a strap you can trust to hold your guitar or bass safely, and you will love the way it looks.

Jessie Marin

Keep up the great work. Definitely love the stuff you make.

Uncle Sasquatch

Proud, happy and excited to be a part of the Get'm Get'm family. Been using these straps for about 20 years and to be officially representing this awesome brand of straps is an honor! Thank you @getmgetmstraps.


EBS: The best pedal no one is talking about!


MXR Timmy Overdrive