Découvrez le Takamine Santa Fe 30th Anniversary !
ESF-93 was a limited edition model which had been a pioneer of current Takamine’s Santa Fe series model that has designs featuring the Native American culture.
Pour couler cette image dans les incrustations caractéristiques de la rosette faite de pièces en forme d'éventail, la machine essentielle qu'ils ont dû essayer est une technique de découpe au laser.
At the same time, they had to introduce a CNC routing machine to create an unconventional ditch to fit the accurately laser crafted rosette parts into, unlike the old school circle cutting rosette hole which is grooved by a circle cutter.
Since 30 years ago, the daybreak to adopt the highly precise crafting machines in the world of acoustic guitar making, it was affected a big part in guitar designing later on. They would proudly introduce the latest guitar with these designs and technics as their brand new Santa Fe model LTD2023.
Le thème général de la "PAIX" est représenté par les symboles de la "BROKEN ARROW" et de la "CROSS ARROW". Les bois de haute qualité utilisés pour le corps et les décorations sont le meilleur design de ce LTD2023 comme Santa Fe raffiné.