Be true to your school… Focusrite Academy, that is!



By now, we all know that Focusrite provides us with the finest hardware and software products around. Every audio recording musician fell head over heels in love with this amazing brand… And rightly so, we might add! But that’s NOT it, folks! Because Focusrite came up with yet another amazing idea to help out every single developing musician out there… Allow us to elaborate!


Focusrite Academy provides free education for all

It’s as simple as that. The newest Focusrite Academy is a free online video tutorial site that’s fully dedicated to the education of those music production newcomers that want to master the art of recording acoustic and electric instruments on their Mac or PC.


20 videos to bring you all the insider knowledge you need

Through an interesting 20-part series, you’ll learn all about setting up microphones, applying compression, phase correction and effects, editing timing and groove of a track, and many more. Everything you could possible want to learn, is demonstrated by wizards in the biz, such as Craig Bundell, Alessandro Lombardo and Tim Harbour.


So, hurry up, my little students… Time for you to learn all about the beauty of audio recording! And the best part is, you can just learn all about it at home – so you don’t even need to wear pants. Win-win!


Check it out!



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