Focusrite Clarett 8Pre’s role in the Foals live setup


Focusrite spoke to keyboard tech James Sharpe on how acclaimed Oxford art-rock band Foals integrate the Clarett 8Pre into their live rig.

One of the main tools called upon in the pursuit of their powerful, engaging live sound is the Focusrite Clarett 8Pre. Having lost faith in the interface the band had been using previously, James “took a punt” on the Clarett 8Pre in 2016. “The clarity of the sound, particularly, was something that was commented on in the first show,” he recalls. “A massive difference in sound quality.”

The Clarett 8Pre’s role in the Foals live setup is as a submixing hub for the entire keyboard rig, as well as the output for the various soft synths deployed by keyboardist Edwin Congreave.


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